Beer Type: Bock
ABV: 8.5%
Color: Brownish Orange (Filtered)
Aroma: Hoppy with a slight Fruity background Aroma
Taste: Seems very syrupy and sugary, quite smooth, very little carbonation. Little bitter aftertaste.
Opinions: A good beer, not quite as good as the other Erie Brewing Companies beers. As I said on the first few tastes it seems like the beer is quite syrupy, like a poor attempt at a homebrew high gravity beer with to much extract syrup. Overall being a beer that you drink one or two at at time it is pretty good, but i could not think about drinking more then that in a night (unless i was horribly trashed). A quick note being that I haven't drank to many bock beers so I don't know if all of this that I have described is normal for bocks, so sorry if i offended anybody (assuming somebody is actually reading this).
Final Rating: 6.2/10
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