Brewer: Mad River Brewing Company
ABV: 6.6%
Color: Dark Amber color
Aroma: Sweet aroma, mainly caramel malts
Flavor: Very strong caramel malt flavor, a bit hoppier then expected
Opinion: So i first picked this up at a local make your own six pack place (D's SixPax & Dogz) expecting it to be on the level of an Irish Red beer, after looking at the description on the label I found out that in fact it was an Amber Ale, but the waitress already opened it, and really, i don't care that much...beer for the most part is beer, and I trust the fine proprietors of Dee's to pick out only the best of beers to offer...none the less, when it was first opened, i'm guessing they do some sort of bottle conditioning because there was some muddy goo on the top part of the neck...easy to fix, got a cup poured it in, no yeast or sediment in my beer...none the less, once i poured it I really knew there was no way this was a red, alot darker and more muddy...now this is one of those beers that I classify under the category of drinkable and enjoyable...and this is not a negative thing in the world of beer, but a positive thing. What I am saying is when I drank this, I did not jump out of my seat in amazement of the flavor but it still was good. Nothing special, but enjoyable...is the best way to describe the experience. It was a bit on the sweet side, but there was a bit of bitterness the first few sips (after that you barely notice), and the hop flavor did not stand out to much (meaning that you knew they were there but no specific characteristics could be seen)...Like i said, nothing that I am going to jump out of my seat to recommend, but a good brew none the less
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